Thursday, February 28, 2013

Some posts delayed...:(

Alright, so I am actually preparing a big surprise for you Digimon lovers out there, but for now, I can't complete it. I know I said I will finish it by the end of the week, but it's not going to happen. I have too much school work for the time being and I have a podcast coming up for Saturday. So....the blog posts will be DELAYED. Don't worry, I will finish them as soon as possible, so just bare with me. I will still have smaller posts like the GC 5th Anniversary length, so look forward and have fun with life guys! (FML Q_Q)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Grand Chase 5th Anniversary!

Happy Birthday Grand Chase! Wow, it's been 5 years already eh? I've been playing this game for a long time now. Wow, time sure goes by fast. I still remember that day..5 years ago.. Me and my friend Walter were talking in school when we started talking about games to play. He told me about Grand Chase, and when I got home, I looked it up. Damn, did I get addicted! My friends have already stopped playing the game, but I still play it. I believe it is a good RPG MMO, and that it deserves more credit. Well, then again I can't help it right? If anyone here wants to give the game a try here's the link: Grand Chase. Well, I'll see you there! ^_^

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ultra-Act Reviews on TWB

Ultra-Act Mebius

Ultra-Act Zero

Credit for the pictures go to their rightful owners.
All pictures taken in the review belongs to me.

The Start of a New Adventure!

Hey! How's everyone doing? So, once again I have been thinking...isn't it better to just start a new blog that belongs to me? Yea. Well, I have nothing against the Toku Warriors Blog, but you know, it's great when you got one for yourself right? I'll still be posting in the TWB, but most of my posts will be on here. Oh, and yes. For the people who didn't know me before from my NiroLegends Youtube Channel (that got deleted), my name is Kudo Niro. I am the president of an imaginary company called NiroLegends...Well it's got only 1 person in it so far.. (sad face). Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay fans. See you guys soon! :)
Ahh, I shall be know as MugenRed, GlenFire's Sensei. Credit for picture goes to OOO.