Saturday, March 9, 2013

Digimon Xros Wars Review Part 1: Xros Heart

After re-watching Digimon Xros Wars, I've decided to do a detailed review on one of my favorite Digimon Seasons. This review will be split into many parts, and for the sake of easy navigation, after posting all the parts of the review, I will have a separate post that links to all different parts of the review, so without delay, let us begin the review! 

Team Xros Heart:

Section 1: The General and other Humans

Kudo Taiki
Kudo Taiki (Other sources: Kudou Taiki) is the protagonist of the first "season" of the show and also the General of Team Xros Heart. Although he is a soft-hearted and very athletic person, he also a genius (though he is unaware of it). His father is a sports trainer and since he is touring throughout Japan, he lives with his mother. Taiki has a habit of wanting to save people. "I can't turn my back on him/her!" is his usual catchphrase that usually gets Akari on her nerves. In the human world, Taiki would go and help out sports teams, usually being a HUGE help despite being a newcomer to many sports. However, Taiki isn't a god. Everytime Taiki would help a team, he would end up passing out, and Akari would always come and help him. It is mentioned, but not officially stated that Akari and Taiki have feelings for each other. Taiki is always seen with the same shirt, jacket, and gloves as shown above. The reason for this is that Taiki went to the Digital World with no preparation (like all the other Digi-Destines). He holds a Crimson Red colored Xros Loader and doesn't seem to show bias over any kind of Digimon. Taiki was dragged into the Digital World after saving Shoutmon and being told that if he takes the Xros Loader, he will need to save the world. Knowing Taiki and his habit, Akari tried to stop him, but Taiki insisted on helping and jumped into the gate.

Hinomoto Akari and Tsurugi Zenjirou
Hinomoto Akari (far right) is the childhood friend of Taiki. She is one year younger than Taiki, but acts as his older sister, or as she would like to call it: Taiki's Manager. She is the peacemaker of the team, but can get into a bad temper herself at times. When they arrived at Lake Zone, Akari felt like she was useless. It was the bond of the team that brought Akari back and made her realize that she is more important than she would ever think. In the finale, she received an Orange Xros Loader in order to help save the world. 

Tsurugi Zenjirou (far left) is a classmate and self-claimed rival of Taiki. He practices kendo, and is said to be the best middle school kenshi. However, during a certain kendo match, Taiki (an amateur) defeated a "pro" like him. Since then, Zenjirou has been following Taiki to settle a score with him once and for all. Taiki rejects his challenge in the beginning of the series (they never really fought) and they eventually became good friends and Zenjirou proved to be a great comrade. He reveals earlier in the show that he has a fear of heights, and it continues to affect him throughout the story. He is very skilled with mechanics, probably due to the fact that his parents work in that area of profession. As a result, Zenjirou helps out by (although rarely) fixing machine type Digimon like Ballistamon. It is also revealed in Lake Zone, that Zenjirou has potential to be a great leader. Zenjirou occasionally joins in the fight (in the front lines) when needed. If he does, Taiki DigiXroses Starmon, Pickmon, and Rare Pickmon to make Zenjirou's personal Star Sword. When Taiki was dragged into the Digital World, both Akari and Zenjirou got pulled in as well. They didn't want to save the Digital World at first, but eventually they fought with all they had. Zenjirou had always wanted a Xros Loader (revealed in "Season 2" of the show). He is later gifted with a Blue Xros Loader in the finale. 
(Shown below with Akari).

Amano Nene
Amano Nene is a General who lead Team Twilight before Taiki saved her from it. In the beginning of the show, she is seen observing both Taiki and Kiriha, occasionally helping them out, or giving them information. After a few episodes, Nene tells Kiriha that she wants him to help her do something, and threatens him with the power of Dark Knightmon. Before reaching the Sand Zone, she is always seen collecting things like powerful Digimon (ex. Forest Zone), Negative Energy (ex. Heaven Zone), and other mysterious activities. She reveals later on in Forest Zone that she is doing all this for her brother, which makes Taiki determined to save her. In Sand Zone, after Dark Knightmon acquires the Darkness Loader, she "freed" Nene without telling her where her brother is. After that, Taiki took her to Shinobi Zone to rest. She started off with a Black Xros Loader and it turns White later in the Shinobi Zone, in which she officially joins Xros Heart. She is a powerful General that controls Sparrowmon and a mini-army of Monitamons (and later Mervamon). After the incident with the Bagra Army, she went on with her life to become an idol in Hong Kong. She is occasionally seen holding a Monimon (the little green thing above). Zenjirou has a huge crush on her, although she doesn't care. 

Section 2: The Digimon

Shoutmon is a dragon Digimon that always wear headphones and uses a microphone as a weapon. He is first seen in the Human World asking for help in melody form. Omnimon uses this chance to find Taiki, who turns out to be a special human that can hear Digimon Melodies. When Shoutmon brought Taiki-tachi to the Digital World, he was greeted with words like "Great Man". He is an usually overconfident Digimon who wants to be the King and is Taiki's main partner, not to mention the base for Xros Heart's DigiXroses. Shoutmon is a hard worker and a great leader despite his overconfident personality and rowdiness. He admires Taiki's personality and is always saying things like "That's my General!" Shoutmon always believes in Taiki, and after defeating Bagramon, he becomes the Digimon King, telling Taiki that they will meet again before leaving for the Digital World. 

Ballistamon is a machine type Digimon that represents a beetle and uses speakers to inflict damage. He is Shoutmon's best friend and one of the many bases for Xros Heart's Digi Xroses. Ballistamon turns out to be Dark Volumon that was saved by Shoutmon and remodeled into Ballistamon. Ballistamon has a kind heart, and is often seen DigiXrosed with either Shoutmon-tachi or Bastemon. 

Dorulumon and Cutemon

Dorulumon (the dog looking Digimon above) is a rather important Digimon in the series. Dorulumon has amazing tactics. His attacks are very powerful and so is his mobility. He was first seen with Cutemon on him like the picture above. He acts as Cutemon's guardian. At first, Dorulumon refused to join Taiki's team, Xros Heart even after he created X3 and X4 with Shoutmon. The reason for this is later revealed when he meets Tactimon. It appears that Dorulumon used to fight for the Bagura Army until he saw how cruel they were. After the situation with Tactimon, Dorulumon decided to join Xros Heart along with Cutemon. Cutemon (the bunny above :) ) is a Digimon who can ONLY heal (Not saying it's a bad thing, not saying it's a good thing either). The reason Cutemon travels around the Digital World with Dorulumon, and later Xros Heart, is to find his parts. Eventually, they find Cutemon's parents and rescued them (after a long battle) in the sweets zone. Cutemon decides he wants to travel with Taiki, and his parents gave permission. 

Starmon and Pickmons
Starmon (the lonely golden star above) is one of the earlier partners to fight for the Digital World and become king. Starmon is always calling Shoutmon "aniki" or big brother. Occasionally, Starmon becomes a bit of a comic relief. Pickmons are used to DigiXros with Starmon and other Digimon. THeya re always seen with Starmon. There are three species or Pickmons introduced in Xros Wars. There is a white/yellow one that is usually seen making an ax for X2. The silver ones shown above are seen the most, making miscellaneous DigiXroses and making the sword for tier X4 and above. There is also a red one called Rare Pickmon. It is the only one in the series and is only seen with Zenjirou, making the Rare Star Sword for him. 

 An inhabitant of Island Zone. He has a tendency to add "kame" to the end of his sentences. He admired XrosHeart and helped them swim in water by using a DigiXros. After some persuasion by Shoutmon, Taiki makes him an official member of Xros Heart. He can also take photos like a digital camera. He isn't seen that much in the series, but is still part of the team. 

Dondokomon is another one of Shoutmon's earlier teammates. He acts as support for the team by playing his drum, and tries to cheer the team up. He plays an important role in making the fake X7 Digimon.

Jijimon was originally kind of like the leader of Shoutmon's village. He decides to travel with XrosHeart after beating MadLeomon. He is seen in rare and funny DigiXroses. Jijimon knew a lot about the Digital World and can sometimes give information to Taiki, that role will later be replaced by Wisemon.

Bastemon is a weird cat Digimon that Xros Heart met in Lake Zone. She was the princess of the zone and she resided in the Bastia Castle. Knightmon and the PawnChessmons helped protect her, but she got attracted to Taiki later and decided to join Xros Heart. She is usually seen in an awkward DigiXros with Baliistamon. 

Knightmon and PawnChessmons (White)
Knightmon (the big Knight above) was the guardian of the Bastia Castle in Lake Zone. While fighting the Bagra Army, he almost died, becoming a weak Melody like creature. Taiki saved him using the XrosLoader and Knightmon, along with his PawnChessmon followers have been with Taiki ever since. Knightmon is seen making X4K with X4. 

Revolmon is a treasure hunting Digimon that tried to test Taiki and see if he is worthy of some legendary Digi Memories. He later joins Xros Heart and is seen usually DigiXrosed with Beelzebumon. 

Spadamon is a member or resident of the Sweet Zone. He was sent to find Xros Heart, and eventually helps out by having a DigiXros with X4 to make X4S. He stays in Sweet Zone after Xros Heart decides to move on.

Wisemon is kind of like a Digital World researcher or scientist. He stays in a book through the Zone Tunnels to study the Digital World, thus learning a lot of stuff. After saving Taiki from Lilithmon, Wisemon decided to join Xros Heart and study in Taiki's Xros Loader. 

We first see Beelzebumon as kind of a mercenary of Bargra Army, and known as the reaper/Baalmon. In a battle with Lilithmon and Blastmon, Baalmon was assassinating Taiki until he saw the statue of the goddess. It turns out he was one of the warriors that protected the old civilization. He became a reaper of Bagra Army to find out what made his comrades kill each other. Then, when he died protecting Taiki, Taiki decided to revive him. Taiki used the powers of his code crown to unleash the power of the goddess. Using the statue of the goddess, Baalmon was revived as Beelzebumon and helps Taiki throughout his journey. He is seen in a DigiXros of X4B and X5B. He can also be treated as a couple with Mervamon. 

Sparrowmon is Nene's partner and has a playful and destructive personality. Sparrowmon is the first of Team Twilight to start siding with Taiki. She is also the one who cares about Nene the most. She is seen usually DigiXrosed with Shoutmon-tachi to make X5, X5B, and X7. She is occasionally seen in a DigiXros with Mervamon or Shoutmon.

Monitamons, are Monitor Digimon. A group of three follows Nene around (later 6) and they act as spies and messengers. 

Mervamon is a "legendary Digimon (according to an older series or game)" that is based off of a snake. She was protecting the Honey Land and driving off the Bagra Army with her crew. After being helped out by Xros Heart, she decided to join and help Nene. She is very powerful, and apparently has a crush on Beelzebumon after they fought Yuu in Hell. 

Section 3: Songs

We are Xros Heart V. X7

Evolution and DigiXros V. Taiki

Aaaaaand that's about it for the first part of my Digimon Xros Wars review. The next one will be on Blue Flare, so look forward to that. It will probably not be posted for a while, and if you are reading this after all the parts have been posted then ignore it. Thanks for reading and enjoy your day! ^_^

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Rawrrr, so I am sitting here in my room writing these god damn notes. My W Driver will arrive tomorrow, so at least I can look forward to that. Other than that, I hope to finish my notes by the weekend. This weekend's my birthday, so I won't be finishing that post (I might). I'll try to finish it next week. So....stay tuned and look forward to stuff!